Harley and Sarge are the PROUD parents of 7 beautiful babies. Harley is a red & white, tri carrier. Sarge is a triple Carrier. Both are AKC registered. Sarge is a triple carrier and Harley is a red & white, tri carrier. Sarge is 4 and Harley is 5. They were born on 5/6/2020. We will not be taking deposits until they're 2 weeks old. Everyone (unless you've already purchased from us in the past), must answer a detailed questionnaire before being approved to purchase.
If you want to know more about us and our bully home, you can read it here!
Want to know what goes into breeding an English Bulldog??
Here's 8 reasons why our bully puppies are not like the others!!
If you want to know how puppies are similar to newborns, you can read it here.
You can email me at westgeorgiabullies@blogspot.com and I will send you a questionnaire if you are interested in purchasing one of our puppies. Everyone that purchases a puppy from us, also signs a legally binding first right of refusal.
Now for these beautiful babies!! Our theme this time is Presidents!
GIRL #1 DOLLEY SOLD to Dorian in GA
1 week old
2 weeks old
3 weeks old
4 weeks old
5 weeks old
GIRL #2 JACKIE SOLD to Nikki in NC
1 week old
2 weeks old
3 weeks old
4 weeks old
5 weeks old
BOY #1 TEDDY to Emily in GA
2 weeks old
3 weeks old
4 weeks old
5 weeks old
BOY #2 GIPPER SOLD to Eric in SC.
1 week old
2 weeks old
3 weeks old
4 weeks old
5 weeks old
BOY #3 IKE Victoria in GA
1 week old
2 weeks old
3 weeks old
4 weeks old
5 weeks old
BOY #4 DELANO Sold to Holly in GA
1 week old
2 weeks old
3 weeks old
4 weeks old
5 weeks old
1 week old
2 weeks old
3 weeks old
4 weeks old
5 weeks old
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