1. A card/letter to the new owners. Wanted them to know how loved the special baby was and how we wished them nothing but a lifetime of happiness, joy and love. No different than a new baby welcome home card :)
2. A folder with all of their paperwork, care instructions, AKC papers, shot records etc.
3. A gallon ziploc of Puppy food: this is
for them to get started on their new journey as a bulldog owner. They can use any dog food they want to, but
it's enough to transition them.
4. Poop bags: self explanatory
5. Squeaky toys/chew toys: You see these? They love them. We order these, inexpensively from Chewy. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE BULLDOGS ANY KIND OF BONES
OR RAWHIDES! Bones will splinter and
puncture major organs etc…….bulldogs have VERY strong jaws and you might think
they won’t splinter a big beef bone……..but they will. Rawhides are NOT digestible! The rawhide will get slimey and get caught in
their throat………so don’t even waste your money!!
6. Leash/collar/harness:
You will find (if you don’t know) that you don’t walk your bulldog! They walk you! Lol. They are built tough and strong as an
ox. They might be short in stature but
they are very very strong! Let them wear
their collar/harness around the house so that they can get used to it. It will take a while. Even with the leash attached. I have enclosed all three for you to see what
works best.
7. Wipes: just like
babies, puppies get messy and dirty……..and they love to get messy and
dirty. They are there to wipe your
little one.
8. Benadryl: Sometimes
they will have an allergic reaction to something. It could be a bug bite, something they ate
etc. They can have ONE Benadryl to help
with that. It might make them sleepy so
be aware of that
9. Stridex pads: If you
haven’t owned one or don’t know, you may not know that these are terrific for
their tear stains and wrinkles………
10. Gold bond powder: this can be used for many things but
mainly their tail pockets. There is a
tail pocket for their cork screw piggy tails and many times, it will get damp
or have issues. It’s always good to have
this help with that J
11. A good shampoo: I don't enclose this, but I also recommend a dry shampoo
12. freeze dried treats: When they leave our home, we train them from the time they are 3 1/2 weeks to go potty outside but we also train them to not be food aggressive, to sit, to shake and to be gentle when taking their treats.
13: dog dish: self explanatory
14. Squeaky stuffed animal: bullies/puppies love to snuggle and play